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Triple play moves

Carol Winter

Carol Winter

Business Analyst, Unco Data Systems

Sales opportunities cost money. Learn how to create opportunities when customers announce that they are moving from their home, and no longer require your service, whether they have rental or home-owned equipment. By providing excellent service in the past, you can now create 3 leads from this one call- a triple play!

Speaker Bio

Carol Winter received a B.S. Computer Science from Southeast Missouri State University in 1984. After working for Southwestern Bell as a Technical Specialist, she and her brother joined and eventually purchased their parent's water treatment business. During their 23 years of managing this 3rd generation business, locations expanded from 2 to 6, and revenues grew to 9 times what they were when they began. Carol joined the Unco Data Systems team in 2010, where she works with training, implementation, and new release testing. Carol has served in various capacities with Missouri WQA, including the presidency in 2008-2009. She has been a certified speaker at both MO WQA and National WQA conventions.